You can find and contact certified teachers according to your location who teaches either in-person or online.
  1. Please enter your address, region, or zip code. (Your device might detect your location automatically)
  2. If you prefer to receive instruction online, please select the “Online teaching” category under the Filter. If you can’t find any teachers around your region or country, please select 10,000 miles under Filter to display all the teachers who provide online teaching globally,
  3. From the result list, click “Contact teacher” to fill in the form, then click Submit.

Phases 1 – 9 will be taught by the listed certified local or online teachers. If you can’t find a teacher nearby, please try the nearest online teachers (We have many online stitchers successfully completing their phase designs). The phase 10 certification course will be instructed by the JEC (headquarter) instructors and you can upload your completed phases to the member site
We hope you will join the Nuido journey with us. Please feel assured that they are certified teachers who completed all the programs from JEC and Kurenai-kai (Japan).